In a proactive move towards safer roads, the Community Support Program (CSP) team in Ballarat embarked on a journey through a driver development course. The team sought to address concerns stemming from the time spent on the roads and occasional near misses or accidents.
Desmond, a Forensic Case Worker within the team, shared that the driver development course was suggested by members of the CSP team as a shared commitment to improving driving skills and fostering a safer driving culture.
The driver development course proved to be an eye-opening experience, offering invaluable lessons and techniques to sharpen the team’s driving skills. The training highlighted key insights such as the perception of tailgating, emergency braking distances, and the importance of avoiding distractions while driving. Practical techniques like adjusting mirrors to alleviate blind spots and understanding the mechanics of ABS brakes were also emphasised. The course is designed for drivers of all levels of experience and incorporates the BAAMS® Driver Profile to ensure that drivers have a chance to examine their own driver safety profile.
The training sessions, including driving on the racetrack, provided memorable experiences for the team. Despite the challenges of navigating tasks under observation, the team noted how these experiences reinforced the importance of composure and adaptability behind the wheel.
Desmond observed tangible changes in the team’s approach to driving post-course, noting discussions about installing phone holders in work vehicles and personal adjustments to seat positions and mirror settings. These adjustments reflected a renewed commitment to safer driving practices both on and off the job.
Participation in the driver development course also had a broader influence on the team’s attitude towards safety. Desmond remarked:
“The course has had a ripple effect on our team’s attitude towards safety in general.”
Discussions within the team and efforts to share knowledge with loved ones highlighted a newfound awareness of road safety principles.
Reflecting on the most valuable takeaways, Desmond shared that “the course served as a humbling reminder that there’s always room for growth.” Understanding the importance of maintaining adequate stopping distances and eliminating blind spots were among the most impactful lessons learned, reinforcing the team’s commitment to safety on the road.
ACSO delivers a diverse range of programs to support people at risk of entering or who have already entered the justice system. These services span the entire justice continuum from prevention to rehabilitation, and our teams are dedicated to helping to break the cycle of people repeatedly entering the system.
The Community Support Program (CSP) team is part of ACSO’s Forensic Case Work Services, which supports people with post-sentence detention or supervision orders, with proactive, practical, flexible and individualised support.
You can learn more about Forensic Case Work Services provided by ACSO on our website.