Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD)

How We Can Help

ACSO provides a range of Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) treatment programs and services available for people engaged with, or at risk of becoming engaged, with the criminal justice system, as well as voluntary programs. ACSO can also help to provide support pathways for loved ones and family members.

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Community Offender Advice and Treatment Service (COATS)

COATS is a Victorian state-wide intake, assessment, referral, and brokerage service (mandated) for forensic clients in contact, or at risk of contact, with the criminal justice system. This includes the provision of specialist forensic AOD intake and assessment services for Community Corrections, Courts and the Adult Parole Board. COATS can also arrange and broker assessment and treatment services with community based AOD services for Youth Justice, Specialist Courts, and Diversion Programs, such as Police Drug Diversion.

Access to the COATS program is by professional referral only.

Click here to access the professional referrals page.

COATS payment guidelines for all Adult Non-Residential Services (in-scope), Non-Residential
Treatment Services, Aboriginal, youth and other out of scope services.

COATS Payment Guidelines and Definitions

COATS Pricing Table Financial Year 2024 – 2025

COATS Payment Guidelines Financial Year 2023 – 2024

COATS Payment Guidelines Financial Year 2022 – 2023



Responsive Assessment Planning Intervention and Diversion (RAPIDS)

An initiative of COATS, RAPIDS provides an assertive, fast- tracked assessment and treatment referral service to high-risk clients not able to be engaged through the COATS program. All RAPIDS clients receive bridging and priority referrals to a range of treatment interventions. Assessment can be conducted by A RAPIDS assessor at an arranged location.

Access to the RAPIDS program is by professional referral only.

Click here to access the professional referrals page.


Forensic Assessment and Counselling Team (FACT)

The Forensic Assessment and Counselling Team (FACT) provides AOD assessment and counselling to clients currently on bail and undertaking a court-based support program whilst awaiting sentencing, such as Court Integrated Services Program (CISP), Assessment and Referral Court (ARC) and Indictable Crime Stream CISP (ICS CISP). Forensic AOD Clinicians work in a range of environments and locations across Victoria, including ACSO offices and Magistrates’ Courts. The service is delivered via face-to-face, phone, or video. Forensic AOD Clinicians are responsible for gathering information through assessment, formulating findings and recommendations utilising strong report writing skills, developing realistic treatment plans, facilitating referrals, and delivering treatment interventions and therapeutic approaches. Forensic AOD Clinicians also regularly liaise and consult with Case Managers at Magistrates’ Courts and provide feedback through client progress reports. 

Access to FACT services is referred directly from the Courts.


Forensic Treatment Services

Positioned within COATS, Forensic Treatment Services provides wrap-around assistance and support for clients, developing long term recovery plans addressing issues related to substance use through the provision of harm minimisation and brief intervention, and by promoting positive health, wellbeing, and social connectedness. We also support clients whilst they wait for further AOD treatment – such as residential rehab – to begin. In addition, the Forensic Counselling team will support positive behavioural change in people through evidence-based therapeutic interventions, with a focus on recovery-oriented care, and priority access for complex clients and those transitioning to/from bed-based services.

Clients are referred into the FCRC program via COATS, RAPIDS, FACT, or by variation from other AOD providers or clients that have been on waitlists for treatment.

Click here to access the professional referrals page.


Choices Program

Choices is a three-hour group-based AOD education program for clients, determined as low-risk by Community Correctional Services (CCS), on CCO, CCO Imprisonment Order and some interstate orders (excluding parole). COATS will refer clients to the Choices program, delivered by state-funded AOD service providers, upon receiving the referral from Community Correctional Services. Provisions exist for clients to undertake the Choices Program in a 1:1 setting where group participation is impractical or unsuitable.

For more information visit Choices Drug Program.

COATS refer clients to Choices upon receiving the referral from Community Correctional Services.

Click here to access the professional referrals page.


Thomas Embling Hospital

Thomas Embling Hospital is a secure forensic mental health hospital in metropolitan Melbourne. ACSO provides a senior full-time clinician to Thomas Embling to oversee its AOD programs, undertake secondary consultations, internal professional development, and client capacity building activities.

Referrals are made directly within Thomas Embling Hospital for existing clients/patients. The referral criteria is focused on current Thomas Embling patients with assessed and unaddressed drug and alcohol treatment needs.


Voluntary Alcohol and Other Drugs Support

ACSO provides Voluntary Alcohol and Other Drugs (VAOD) support people who are experiencing issues arising from their use of alcohol or drugs which could place them or others at risk of harm. Our AOD Helpline acts as the first step and links people to treatment services in the Gippsland, Loddon Mallee, Grampians, Great South Coast, Hume, and Goulburn Valley areas of regional Victoria. If you live outside of these areas, please go to DirectLine to find help in your location. 

Individuals: If you or a loved one need help, call 1300 022 760 from 9am-5pm on weekdays, or complete our intake form.

Click here to access the self referrals form.

For afterhours support, call DirectLine on 1800 888 236. 

Professionals: If you would like to make a professional referral on someone’s behalf complete our professional intake form.

Click here to access the professional referrals page.


Short Term AOD Intervention

The Short Term AOD Intervention Program (STIP) is a multimodal program that increases access to AOD services for vulnerable and at-risk persons in the Gippsland region of Victoria. 

Individuals: If you or a loved one need help, call 1300 022 760 from 9am-5pm on weekdays or complete our intake form.

For afterhours support, call DirectLine on 1800 888 236. 

Professionals: If you would like to make a professional referral on someone’s behalf complete our professional intake form.

Click here to access the professional referrals page.

New South Wales

Shellharbour Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Hub

The Shellharbour Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Hub delivers a free and voluntary service for individuals that are concerned about their substance use.

A suite of AOD treatment and support options will be provided, including assessment and psycho-social interventions such as counselling, as well as care and recovery coordination. A collaborative treatment plan will be developed to support participants to reduce harms associated with their substance use, and work towards increased health, linkage to other services, social connections, and provide opportunities for ongoing recovery.

If you’re over 18 and live in the Illawarra or Shoalhaven regions, and you’re seeking support for your current or past alcohol or other drug use, our services are available to you.

Individuals: You can either call 03 9413 7000 from 9am-5pm on weekdays or email us:

Professionals: If you would like to make a professional referral on someone’s behalf, please call 03 9413 7000 from 9am-5pm on weekdays or email the Shellharbour AOD Hub:


Family and Carer Support Program Gippsland

The Family and Carer Support Program provides guidance and support for people in Gippsland, Victoria, who have a loved one struggling with drug, alcohol, or other addictions. 

The program includes access to a peer support group, professional one-on-one support, family single sessions and counselling and education and on how abuse and dependency impact behaviour.

If you or a loved one need help, call 03 51722900 from 9am-5pm on weekdays or complete our intake form. You can also find us on Facebook @fcssgippsland. 

Professional referral is not required. 

Additional Help and Resources

For a medical emergency call your doctor or 000 immediately.

Other crisis and counselling support:

Corrections resources (Victoria):