Residential & Outreach Services

How We Can Help

ACSO provides a range of support models and residential housing options to support complex and high-risk persons. We also provide NDIS support programs and outreach services.

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Residential Programs

ACSO operates a range of forensic residential programs throughout Victoria to individuals with intellectual and cognitive disabilities who are engaged in the criminal justice system, or at risk of engagement. We specialise in supporting eligible NDIS and non-NDIS client who are subject to community corrections orders, supervision orders, parole orders and supervised treatment orders, as well as those with co-occurring disorders. As well as adult programs, ACSO also operates a residential program for younger and first-time offenders.

All ACSO forensic residential programs support clients to identify pro-social strategies to reduce behaviours of concern, increase community inclusion and engagement – such as pathways to employment, training and community engagement – and to live independently. ACSO’s forensic residential program are underpinned by a behaviour change model where expertise informs a range of therapeutic and recovery-oriented interventions, which encourages participants to actively participate in the community.

All of ACSO’s residential programs operate on a 24/7 staffing model, led by a multi-disciplinary, forensically skilled team, including clinical services. 

Referrals to our forensic residential programs can only be made directly from Corrections Victoria, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) and the Forensic Disability Statewide Access Service (FDSAS). 

Specialist Forensic Disability Accommodation (SFDA) residents can be on any order or at risk of further contact within the criminal justice system and need stable accommodation to work through their goals to increase their independence in daily living skills, social skills, self-regulation and managing their own behaviours of concern to avoid re-offending. 

Referrals for Nicholson Program post sentence disability residents are made through the Post Sentence Authority, Victoria.


Assertive Outreach Services

Assertive Outreach addresses the support needs of individuals with a disability who are engaged, or at risk of entering, the criminal justice system by building their connection to community and developing pro-social behaviours and life skills. The aim is to proactively secure their access to support services, strengthen personal relationships, and promote independence and participation in the community. This service is only available as part of our forensic residential programs in Victoria.

Referrals for Assertive Outreach services are made directly through Disability Justice at DFFH and are sent back by Disability Justice Coordinators.


Assistance with Accommodation and Tenancy

Assistance with Accommodation and Tenancy (AAT) is an intensive housing program for individuals living in supported accommodation that require advocacy and assistance with accessing appropriate long-term housing options. The aim is to transition individuals into independent living in line with the goals and outcomes identified in their exit planning.

Referrals for AAT are made directly within ACSO for eligible residential services clients already in Specialist Forensic Disability Accommodation (SFDA).


Assistance with Daily Life including Supported Independent Living

Our Supported Independent Living (SIL) program provides assistance and supervision with personal daily tasks via individual and shared supports. The aim is to enable a participant to live as independently as possible.

Referrals for SIL are made directly within ACSO for eligible residential services clients already in Specialist Forensic Disability Accommodation (SFDA).


Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation

The Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation program provides assistance and supervision to a participant in the community via individual support. The aim is to enable a participant to engage in community, social, recreational, and economic activities. 

Referrals to SIL and our Community Participation programs can only be made directly through the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) and the Forensic Disability Statewide Access Service (FDSAS). For more information visit NDIS.


Specialist Behaviour Intervention Support – Behaviour Support Practitioners

Working closely alongside ACSO’s Clinical Services team, ACSO offers a range of psychological intervention and positive behaviour support plans for individuals with acquired brain injury and/or intellectual disability who engage in problematic behaviour including inappropriate sexualised behaviour, violence and aggression. We specialise in working with and managing the risk of clients who have had or are at risk of having contact with the criminal justice system and work closely with DFFH to reduce restrictive practices for clients subject to Supervised Treatment Orders. We also provide training and consultation to support workers, Community Corrections Officers and other professionals working with complex/forensic clients to support capacity-building and consistency in practice.  

Referrals for Specialist Behaviour Intervention Support can only be made by professionals via our intake form. Please note this service is only available to clients who have an NDIS plan with improved relationships funding or some alternative form of funding.

Click here to access the professional referrals page.